
Calendar Reform

Should the current Gregorian calendar be reformed? Should worldwide calendars be standardised?

Cameras in Courtrooms

Should cameras be placed in courtrooms so that criminal trials can be televised?

Campaign Finance Reform

Should limits or regulations be placed on how candidates raise funds, and/or spend them, during political campaigns?

Canadian Senate Elections

Should the Canadian Senate be elected?

Cannabis, Legalisation of

Should Cannabis/Marijuana be legalised?

Capital Punishment

Is it ever justifiable to execute criminals?

Capitalism vs Socialism

Which is the superior system capitalism, or socialism?

Carbon Emissions, Market vs. Regulatory Approaches

Do market approaches have greater potential to reduce carbon emission than regulatory approaches?

Catholic Churchs Contraception policy

Should the Roman Catholic Church change its current position of forbidding the use of contraception?

Celebrities, should get greater protection?

Should celebrities have greater protection from the media?

Censorship of the Arts

What is the right balance to strike between freedom of and restrictions upon artistic expression?

Chapter 11-style Bankruptcy Provisions

Should countries adopt U.S.-style provisions which allow companies to trade in bankruptcy?

Chechnya, Intervention in

Should outside nations or international organisations become involved in the military conflict in the Russian province of Chechnya?

Child Curfews

Should young people be subjected to night-time curfews as a way to reduce crime?

Child Labour

Is the imposition of sanctions on states the best way to end child labour?

Child Offenders, Punishments for

Is stricter punishment the answer to juvenile crime?

Child Performers, Banning

Should children be allowed to work in the performing arts or professional sports?

Child Soldiers, Prosecution

Should countries prosecute child soldiers for the crimes they committed during wartime? Should there be an international minimum age of criminal responsibility for war crimes and crimes against humanity?

Children, Choosing Sex of

Should parents be allowed to select the gender of their offspring?

Children: To Have Or Not To Have

Should you never have children?

China and the World Trade Organisation

Should China be allowed to join the World Trade Organisation?

China Human Rights Abuses, U.S. Trade Barriers

Should the United States use trade barriers to decrease human rights abuses in China?

China, Fear of

Does China give the rest of the world reasons for fear, in political, economic or social terms? Or is the �Terror from the East’ merely a myth ?

Civil Disobedience

When is it justifiable for protesters and activists to break the law for the sake of their cause?

Clash of Civilisations: Myth or Reality?

Is the idea that we are experiencing a clash of civilisations between Islam and the Christian West a myth, or does it have a basis in reality?

Classics (Latin and Ancient Greek), should be taught in schools

Should school pupils be able to study Latin and Ancient Greek at school? If so, should these subjects be compulsory?

Co-curricular activities in schools

Should schools and colleges increase the importance placed on co-curricular activities, so that they are formally recognised as equal to the academic curriculum?

Coal, use of

Should the US Rely More Heavily on Coal Energy?

Coalition Government

Is coalition government preferable to government by a single political party?

Colonialism: Compensation for

Should former colonial powers pay reparations to former colonies for their past activities?

Commonwealth, Abolition of

Should the Commonwealth be abolished?

Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty

Should the United States ratify the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty?

Compulsory Voting

Should voting in elections be compulsory?

Condoms in Schools

Should publicly supported education programs include the distribution of condoms?

Confederate Flag, Banning of

Should the Confederate flag be banned?

Congo, UN Intervention in

Is the UN failing in the Democratic Republic of Congo?

Congressional redistricting in the USA

Should electoral districts for the US House of Representatives be drawn by an independent authority or by state legislatures?

Contraception for Under-Age Girls [UK]

Should doctors be allowed to prescribe contraception for girls under the age of 16?

Corporal Punishment (for Adults)

Is physical force a justifiable method of punishing criminals?

Corporal Punishment (for Children)

Is physical force a justifiable method of punishing children?

Corporal Punishment in Schools

Should children be hit in school as a punishment?

Corruption, Benefits of

Should public corruption be accepted as a normal state of affairs in countries at a certain stage of development?

Cosmetic Surgery

Should cosmetic surgery be banned?

Counter Terrorism, UN Committee

Should the USA more vigorously support the UN’s Counter Terrorism Committee?

Covenant Marriage

Should covenant marriages be supported in preference to traditional marriages? Should the state promote covenant marriage?

Creationism in Public Schools

What should state-funded schools teach about the origins of mankind? Should the teaching of creationism be allowed in classrooms alongside, or as an alternative to the theory of evolution?

Creationism vs Evolution

Should schools be allowed to teach creationism alongside evolution as part of their science curriculum?

Criminal Responsibility, Age of

Should the age of criminal responsibility be raised to 16 or even 18 across the world?

Criminalising Blasphemy

Should blasphemy be against the law?

Cuba, Dropping of US Sanctions

Should the United States drop its sanctions on Cuba?

Cultural Treasures

Should cultural treasures be returned to their country of origin?

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