Your topic should :

Name the subject that will be investigated in your essay ;
State the specific topic within your subject ;
Present some value for academic studies ;
Be of interest to you ;
Capture the reader’s attention.

The Process of Essay Writing : Brainstorming

Write down all ideas related to your subject ;
Pick out ideas that interest you and narrow them down into several topics ;
Get rid of the irrelevant ideas.

Doing the Research

Search for information on your topic from various sources ;
Study the background information you found from your sources ;
Evaluate the information you found ;
Select the most valuable arguments and focus on them in your essay.


Your essay outline should comprise:

The thesis statement ;
The major points of your argument ;
Sub-points of the topic ;
Evidence to support all the points in your argument.


It should introduce the thesis, reveal its significance and meaning ;
It should be presented in a clear, precise, interesting and convincing way.

Thesis Statement

Create a thesis that serves as the foundation for your argument ;
Create a thesis that reveals not only your subject, but also your attitude to it.
The Process of Essay Writing : Body

This is the main part of your essay that presents your arguments ;
The body consists of several paragraphs each having a topic sentence and features the arguments supporting the topic sentence ;
All topic sentences support the thesis statement.


It summarizes the main points of your essay ;
It corresponds to the introduction part ;
It restates the main idea of the paper.
The Process of Essay Writing : Editing and Proofreading

Check grammar, spelling, MLA/APA style, and format mistakes.

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