Archive for the 'B' Category

Essay Ideas – B

Author: IQ

Balance in the media

Should news broadcasters be required to be balanced and impartial in their reporting of events?

Ban Cheerleaders from professional sporting events?

Should cheerleaders be banned from performing at professional sporting events?

Bank Bailouts

Should the government bailout banks and financial institutions?

Beauty Contests

Are beauty contests harmful?

Beijing Olympics, Boycott

Should we refuse to send a team to the Beijing Olympics in 2008?

Bilateral vs Multilateral Ai

Should the USA prefer to give aid money bilaterally (directly to individual countries or projects) or multilaterally (channelling it through United Nations agencies, World Bank, NGOs, etc.)?

Bill of Rights [UK]

Should the UK have a Bill of Rights ?

Biodiversity and Endangered Species

Should we be trying to prevent species becoming extinct? If so, why?


Are biofuels a better alternative to fossil fuels? Should their use be encouraged by government regulations and subsidy?

Biological parenthood, should not be taken into account in custody hearings

Should judges be allowed to take into account whether or not a parent is biologically related to a child when making decisions in a custody hearing?

Blood Sports

Should blood sports be banned?

Boarding School

Is boarding school beneficial to children?

Boxing, Abolition of

Should boxing be banned?

Boxing, ban (Junior topic)

Should boxing be banned?

Breath Tests, Random

Are random breath tests for drivers a good idea?

Bribery / Corruption

Is it ever acceptable to pay a bribe? Should companies who pay bribes abroad be prosecuted for it in their own countries? Should the ones who give bribes be treated equally to those who take bribes?

Britains EU Rebate, en

Should Britain give up its annual rebate on its payments to the European Union?

Broadcasting, reintroducing the Fairness Doctrine

Should the Fairness Doctrine be reintroduced in the USA?


Should children be used to schools outside of their neighbourhood, to ensure diversity within schools?